Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. - Vince Lombardi
Educational leaders play a pivotal role in affecting the climate, attitude and reputation of their schools. They are the cornerstone on which learning communities function and grow. With successful school leadership, schools become effective incubators of learning, places where students are not only educated but challenged, nurtured and encouraged.
We empower and equip our students to rise above the ordinary, have a voice and seek to become a leader.
Leadership is one of the most important skills you can learn to be the best version of yourself and make the world a better place. The great thing is, you have the opportunity to practice leadership every single day in your home, at school, in sports and everywhere in between. Anyone can be a leader and the world definitely needs lots more good leaders!
Leadership is...
We, at Presidium ensure that academics here does not solely make the educational background of the students strong, but also turn them into socially responsible citizens. We focus all domains of development be it mental, physical, value-based or social so that students can learn and grow holistically.
Leadership/Via/Academics focusses on instilling among the students:
Once the students make the transition from the classroom to the real world, with the above skill-set knowledge, they won’t have to strive for leadership positions in different industries. They will indeed, become the leaders that this world truly needs!
“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.” - David Kolb
Experiential learning gives students the opportunity to practice and develop attitudes such as resilience, tenacity, curiosity and self-direction. But such an approach to teaching requires ample planning and guidance to ensure the highest chances for success.
When students are engaged in learning experiences that they see the relevance of, and the product has more significance than a grade, they have increased motivation to learn and produce a more thoughtful product. It also stimulates academic inquiry to enrich and apply the content students are learning.
The Experiential Learning cycle developed by the Experts at Presidium works on a rotational set of rules :