Dated: 12-12-2015
Kudos to the Table Tennis Champions of Presidium Dwarka 16B Shreshtha Singh of Grade IV B and Kanv Chugh of Grade II C who won the merit positions in the All India Jaskaran Table Tennis Championship. The event was held on Saturday, 12th December at the Hommerton Grammar School, Faridabad. Shreshtha won the First Runners Up Trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and Kanav Chugh bagged the Second Runners Up Trophy along with a cash prize of Rs. 4000 in their respective age categories. The competition was organized by Table Tennis Federation of India where approximately 38 teams from different states of the country participated with a total of around 4200 students. Presidians gave a cutting edge competition to their competitors and made it to the top. Well done Shreshtha and Kanav.