Dated: 04-04-2019
"School bells are ringing loud and clear; vacation is over, school is here” - Winifred C. Marshall
The first day of school is that time of the year when the hearts are filled with the amalgamation of happiness,cheerfulness,anxiousness and excitement. Following the Indian rituals our little Presidians were given a warm welcome by putting a tika on their forehead, as they walked in. The day started off with positivity,energy and enthusiasm. The physical zone was created at the arrival gate leading towards the atrium, wherein the students have to cross the hurdles, jump through the hooplas and balancing on the beam. The teachers were seen making students comfortable and cozy in their classrooms. Everyone was feeling excited and felt glad to meet their old friends, new teachers and a new schedule. The school atrium was divided into four zones, Prop corner, Selfie corner, Maze corner and Tic Tac Toe corner. Moving on the footsteps the students have to choose the corner of their choice and enjoy that activity. Later the students giggled around as the Magician showed some funny and hilarious tricks.The children danced together on the beats reminding all that school is fun. As the school bells start ringing let us look forward for a bright year ahead and make it productive and inspiring for our children.
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