Unlocking Creativity: The Starmakers Program at Presidium


Acknowledged for its philosophy, ‘Be what you want to be’ Presidium- the best school in Delhi NCR is dedicated to shaping leaders of tomorrow by enabling them to unleash their potential and nurture their creativity, while propelling them to fathom their passions on the canvas of their schooling journey. Here education is not merely about the dissemination of knowledge and catalyzation of excellence in the same, but also encouraging students to explore within and without while also equipping them with tools to develop their skills, discover their talents and refine them through rigorous practice and guidance.



Considered as the best school program in Delhi NCR, Presidium- top school in Delhi, has a specific program dedicated to attaining the goal of cultivating student talent, which is known by ‘STARMAKERS.’ As the name suggests, this term literally translates as something or someone that makes stars, especially, a person or a program that makes or helps someone become a star. In the context of Presidium (the best CBSE schools in India), Starmakers is a creative team which through a set of academies and clubs continuously generate ideas that support them to unleash their innate talent . They render training, platform and inspiration to children to explore and exhibit their talent.


Recognised as one of the best school program for creating stars in Delhi NCR, Starmakers is one-of-a-kind which has been endeavouring forth in the direction of enriching student journeys via enabling them to discover their latent talent through participation in various domains like music, dance, sports, and theatre among others. These platforms render Presidians with the apt means for propelling their creative outlets, simultaneously expanding the horizon of their potential and skill enhancement. This can be further comprehended with a lucid exposition of the various academies that catalyse the same.


At Presidium-the best school in Delhi, NCR, the art form of dance is not just believed to be a co-curricular activity but a way to provoke the expression of one’s soul and internal feelings. Here, it is ensured that students are able to revel in their highest spirits, while restoring their confidence and joy. The Dance Academy of Presidium believes in nurturing the passions of students by providing them with an apt platform to unleash their talents, simultaneously ascertaining that their training is supported by the best artists of the industry. Furthermore, another advantageous asset of this academy is that it offers an array of dance forms to which students get exposure. In a way, it also serves as a launchpad for ambitious dancers or aspiring dance artists by placing them on the pedestal of a renowned (other bigger) platform in the form of famous competitions.

An array of dance styles in which Presidians are perfected are as follows:

- Free style
- Urban dance
- Bollywood
- Hip-Hop
- Classical and
- Semi-Classical

The basic aim of this academy is to foster the development of gross motor skills in students, encouraging their understanding of their body and stimulating their movement creativity.

While on one hand, in freestyle, the students at Presidium (the top school in Delhi-NCR) are taught to create their own steps on the spot by teaching them a few simple steps instead of following any choreography. On the other hand, in the classical and semi-classical dance forms, they are perfected in the aptness of certain mudras and postures. Adorned with ghungroos, the years of practice make them ready to take on any professional stage with their rhythmic foot movements harmonized to the music.


Regarded as the food for the soul, music is food for the soul that speaks volumes with its pleasing sound. It is an art form that, once learned, can weave magic in an instant, thereby promoting unity and diversity among all with its effectiveness in being the universal language of humankind. It can metamorphose one’s mood from that of dismal to a jocund one with its soulful aesthetics. Considering the same, one of the best CBSE schools in India, i.e., Presidium, has made special efforts to develop interest in students in this field by regular conduction of competitions so that this art can be nurtured among Presidians.

As part of the Delhi school leadership programs, the Music Academy of Starmakers promotes the students to learn various musical instruments in order to catalyze the comprehension or perhaps the discovery of their interests and potential and the ultimate development of skills in the same domain. Also acknowledged as ‘The Eighth Note’, the music academy of Presidium (the best school in Delhi, NCR) renders a perfect platform for students to display their latent talent and refine their musical abilities. No discrimination is practiced in endeavoring forth in the direction of enlacing Presidians with multifaceted skills (from Indian classical music to Western music and from instruments like harmonium to casio) in the said art form, eliminating every impediment from their way of excelling or perhaps pursuing their dreams.


Widely recognized as one of the top schools in Delhi, the main aim of Presidium is to usher its students into the limelight by bringing out their inner performers, ultimately making them stars. Via stage performances, the school aims at infusing confidence in its students, besides leaving the audience spell-bound with their brilliant performance and talent. The same is materialized in students through a variety of theatre festivals, stage plays, skits, and role-playing competitions.


Acknowledging the fact that imparting knowledge is not the sole purpose of any educational institution, but rather equipping students with the tools to bring the same into practice is also important. So, drawing from the aforementioned, Presidium (one of the best CBSE schools in India) takes meticulous care in ascertaining that Presidians are provided with a wealth of opportunities to participate in many public speaking activities and competitions like debating, extempore, recitation, and story-telling, among others.


Considering that sport is a pivotal aspect of one’s educational journey, the top school in Delhi, NCR, i.e., Presidium hasn’t left no stone unturned in contributing to the comprehensive development of students. Apart from emphasizing academic excellence and accomplishments in various domains and competitions, Presidium, the best school in Delhi, has rendered to its students all the amenities necessary for propelling their overall development by refraining from overlooking the field of sports. Like all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, similarly, the Presidium community fathomed this obstacle in the making of a well-rounded personality, so since its inception it has taken appropriate measures in order to foster sportsmanship and athletic excellence in its students by organizing various sports competitions at regular events.


From the above elucidation, it can be justly concluded that at Presidium, the Starmakers Program exemplifies the community’s unwavering commitment to fostering creativity and nurturing talent among our students. By offering a comprehensive suite of academies—spanning dance, music, theatre, public speaking, and sports—it is ensured that each student has the opportunity to explore and excel in their areas of interest. This holistic approach not only enriches their educational experience but also empowers them to discover and hone their unique abilities.

Through the Starmakers Program, it is strived to transform potential into excellence, guiding Presidians as they develop into confident, skilled, and well-rounded individuals. As Presidium continues to embrace and celebrate the diverse talents within its community, the institution remains dedicated to shaping the leaders of tomorrow, equipped with the creativity, passion, and skills to make their mark on the world.

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